KinoFlo Freestyle 31 DMX Kit

 100,00  Unit Price

KinoFlo Freestyle 31 DMX Kit je LED svetlo s hranatými bočnými ohybmi, ktoré sa dajú použiť na zavesenie na laná alebo drôty. Panel tiež obsahuje Twist-On upevnenie pre prácu na stojane svetla. Freestyle 31 je dodávaný s plne farbou programovateľným ovládačom FreeStyle, hlavným káblom (25 stop), celou osvetľovacou jednotkou s odnímateľným LED panelom a twist-on KinoGrip Center Mount. Okenné rolety 90° alebo 60° pripevnené pomocou Velcro určujú smer svetla a po odstránení panelu ukazujú široký jemný lúč cez set.

Technológia napájacieho zdroja Freestyle dosahuje jasné, jemné svetlo s nepretržitým stmievaním od 100% do 0% na lineárnej alebo štvorcovej krivke bez blikania pri vyšších rýchlostiach kamery alebo pri rôznych šachtových uhloch. Pri zmene z 2500K na 9900K nedochádza k zmene úrovne svetla a farba sa nezmení pri zvýšení alebo znížení úrovne svetla.

Farba a luminancia zostávajú stabilné počas životnosti LED pomocou pokročilého systému Kino Flo na správu farieb True Match® denného svetla a tlmeného svetla, ktorý sa od svojho uvedenia pred desiatimi rokmi stal neotrasiteľným úspechom. Pasívne chladenie udržiava LED v dobrom stave pre dlhšiu životnosť ako zariadenia, ktoré vyžadujú elektrické ventilátory.

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The LED panel’s corner bumpers can be used to hang from rope or wire. The panel also takes a Twist-On mount for working on light stands. The Freestyle 31 comes complete with the full color, programmable FreeStyle controller, Head Cable (25ft), Complete Fixture with removable LED panel, and a twist-on KinoGrip Center Mount. Honeycomb 90° or 60° louvers, mounted with Velcro, give direction to the light, and when removed the panel displays a broad soft beam across the set.

The Freestyle’s driver technology achieves bright, soft light with continuous dimming from 100% to 0% on a linear or square curve without flicker at higher camera speeds or at varied shutter angles. There is no light level change when shifting from 2500K to 9900K, and the color doesn’t change when the light levels rise or fall.

Color and luminosity remain stable over the rated life of the LED’s using Kino Flo’s advanced True Match® daylight and tungsten color management system, which has been an unqualified success since Kino Flo introduced the idea of soft panel True Match Celeb Studio LED’s ten years ago. Passive cooling keeps the LED’s in good shape for a longer usable life than fixtures that require electric fans.

The FreeStyle 31 and  31GT LED Systems consist of four components: FreeStyle 31 or 31GT LED Fixture, Mounting Plate, Extension Cable and FreeStyle 152 LED DMX Controller. It was designed in this manner to allow the greatest flexibility in lighting solutions for challenging situations.

FreeStyle 31 Features

  • Color Rendering TLCI >96, CRI >96, TM-30-18 Rf=95, Rg=103
  • Kelvin presets
  • Dial-in color temperature control between 2500K-9900K
  • Green/Magenta Control
  • Hue angle and Saturation adjustments
  • Kino Flo presets and Gels
  • RGB control
  • CIE xy
  • FX Control
  • Camera Profiles LUTs
  • Color Space
  • Works with Apps with predetermined RGB presets or color wheels
  • Can use preset buttons to store custom Kelvin settings
  • Light levels do not change when selecting Kelvin settings
  • No color shift while dimming
  • Universal input 100VAC-240VAC or 24VDC
  • Energy efficient, draws 1.25A, 120VAC and 6.25A, 24VDC
  • Flicker-free, quiet operation
  • Full range onboard and DMX dimming
  • DMX wireless link (Lumen Radio®)
  • DMX Auto Terminate

FreeStyle 31 Design

  • Remote fixture with built-in barndoors
  • Removable LED panel with center mount and molded corner mounts
  • Fixture includes removable 90° Honeycomb Louver
  • Honeycomb louver also available in 60° as accessory
  • Removable Center Mount
  • KinoGrip Center Mount
  • Lightweight, slim profile
  • Mounts to stand, light enough to be hand-held
  • Controller mounts onto fixture or operates remotely with extension cable

FreeStyle 31 Modular Design

The FreeStyle LED fixture’s modular design includes built-in barndoors, a removable LED panel and removable louver. The louver is held in place with Velcro fasteners. The LED panel can be removed from the fixture housing by pressing the locking pin and turning the thumbscrew. The fixture and removable LED panel have twist-on mating plates to accept a twist-on mount. The four molded corners offer additional rigging points for rope hanging, for example. With the KinoGrip mount, the fixture or LED panel can be hand-held. When the mount is removed, the fixture is flat and can be screwed to the wall or ceiling through its eyelets. For further versatility, the FreeStyle 152 LED DMX Controller can also be strapped to the back of the fixture with Velcro or used remotely with an extension cable.

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